Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 5PA

01438 222300

Moss Bury Primary School

This picture is already on your web page and text links to the Home Learning Archive for your Year Group. When each weekly cycle of work is complete, navigate to this page and post the old week's work in the Archive. It currently has a webpage 

Sample Class Page

This is what your page should look like when delivering a Home Learning Curriculum. All instructions are written in red so that they stand out, but obviously don't use red on your webpage - use blue! 


Your email address is an essential part of the process and should be clearly visible - children and parents will email you work throughout the day and you will provide feedback. 

You should post a message here each week or whenever necessary to parents an children outlining what is expected of them for the coming week. You can keep this brief and take the opportunity to remind parents that they can email you work and you will provide written feedback. Put a clear date on each one of these posts so parents know when the page has been updated. e.g:

Pine Class Home Learning Update 13.7.2020 

Dear Children and Parents, 

Thanks for all of the super work that you sent me last week. I really loved the writing that you did: it made me laugh and kept me smiling all week! 

A reminder to parents to make sure you photograph and email work directly to me and I will provide written feedback for your child. 

This week I've posted some Reading, Writing and Maths as well as some RE stuff for you to do in the afternoons. I've posted videos below that explain what you need to do in each lesson and all the resources can be found in the File lists below too. The first thing you will see below is your timetable for the week - this is the work that you should be doing each day. 

Remember, I am on the end of an email if you need any support. Have fun! 

Mr H x 

If you teach a mixed age class, you have a link to the Home Learning Archive for each of the year groups in your class. 

 C19 Work
Showing 1-1 of 1

Create a timetable that explains what the children need to do in each lesson. Constantly remind parents that they can email you for feedback. This example is the last week of term so there isn't much afternoon work. In our experience, teaching things in blocks was the least confusing way to do things. Rather than giving children stuff to look for for 5 different afternoon subjects a week, just give them a block of one. 

Pine Class Timetable for WB 13.7.2020

Your Reading Activities and Resources for the week: 

Use File Lists (Insert Item > File list) to list clearly all the resources and activities for each subject. Give the files names that explain what day they need to be done for clarity.  

 Monday Reading Text - Amazing Animal Adventures - scanned.pdfDownload
 Monday Reading text - Amazing Animal Journeys - TYPED.pdfDownload
 Tuesday PHONEME SPOTTER.pdfDownload
 Wednesday to Friday reading activities.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Your Writing Activities and Resources for the week:

Use clear headers like this (size 14 or 16) so show what each section of files is. 

 Monday - Thursday Writing Activity .pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Your Mathematics Activities and Resources for the week:

 Mon - Fri Addition and Subtraction warm up .pdfDownload
 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Maths activities.pdfDownload
 Tuesday - 2d shapes cheat sheet.pdfDownload
 Tuesday - 3d shapes cheat sheet.pdfDownload
 Tuesday - name the 2d shapes.pdfDownload
 Tuesday - Name the 3d shapes.pdfDownload
 Friday Arithmetic6.pdfDownload
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Finally, use Quicktime to make onscreen teaching videos to accompany as many of the lessons as is necessary. In this example, there is a video for every day for reading and maths. However, writing only has two videos as the first describes the activity for Monday-Thursday, which is repeated.

Insert videos by clicking Insert Item - Media. 

Use clear heading and sub-headings to show the subject that each video relates to, the day it should be watched and the general content of the lesson.

Reading Teaching Videos 

Monday - Read the text

Tuesday - Phoneme Spotter

Wednesday - Find and Retrieve

Thursday - Deduce and Infer

Friday - Respond to the text

Writing Teaching Videos 

Monday - Thursday: Writing Mixed Sentences 

Friday - Free Writing 

Mathematics Teaching Videos 

Monday - 1/2s, 1/4s, 3/4s and 1/3s

Tuesday - Identify 2d and 3d shapes

Wednesday: Adding two-digit numbers

Thursday - Subtracting two-digit numbers

Friday - Arithmetic Practice